Hey dog lovers, if you ask me “are French Bulldogs hypoallergenic dogs?”, I’d have to say nope, they’re not.
French Bulldogs are not hypoallergenic dogs. Not so much due to the coat, but for other reasons listed here.
So, You’ve been wondering about French Bulldogs and the whole hypoallergenic dog breed thing, right?
Curious about Frenchies and allergies, huh?
Well, let me break it down for ya. Just like with so many other so called hypoallergenic breeds, there’s a bit of a misconception.
No dog is truly hypoallergenic (there’s no such thing), but some breeds produce fewer allergens than others.
Many think that because Frenchies have that sleek, short coats, they might be hypoallergenic. Bad news folks, that doesn’t mean they’re allergy-proof.
In reality, French Bulldogs aren’t technically “hypoallergenic.”
Even though they’re small and oh-so-cute (have you seen those bat ears? Adorable!), they can still cause severe allergic reactions (like watery eyes or itchy eyes).
It’s not just about the dog’s coat or the dog hair.
The main reason, the real sneaky thing causing those sniffles and sneezes is the proteins in a dog’s saliva, urine, and dog’s skin cells.
Frenchies, with their cute short hair, do shed, but not as much as some other breeds. However, their amount of dander and saliva can still trigger allergies in sensitive folks.
The French Bulldog’s saliva is a big offender for people with allergies.
So, while no dog, including our beloved cute little Frenchie, is truly hypoallergenic, understanding what triggers allergies its a good idea and can help choosing a breed of dog that doesn’t mess your immune system up.
Understanding Pet Allergies
The American Kennel Club states that “dog allergies, such as atopy or allergies to pollens and plants, are primarily hereditary in basis.”
Dog allergen levels increase if the dog lives indoors and are higher in the rooms where a dog is allowed. [Source: American College Of Allergy]
But, let’s break this down. A whole lot of folks in the good ol’ United States get all sneezy and teary-eyed thanks to our four-legged buddies.
The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America says that about 15 to 30% of Americans get the allergy blues from pets.
That’s a lot of people and a lot of tissues being used!
But here’s a twist, even if you don’t have a furry friend at home, you’re not in the clear.
The American Pet Products Association spills the beans that even pet-free homes can have those sneaky allergens lurking around.
So, whether you’re a full-time pet lover or just babysit your friend’s dog once in a while, be ready for some potential sniffles and maybe a bonus runny nose 🤧.
Across the pond in the UK, pet allergies, especially to cats and dogs, are pretty common.
And guess what?
Pets are lounging around in about 59% of UK homes. [Source: https://www.allergyuk.org/about-allergy/statistics-and-figures/]
Now, over in the Euro Zone, dog allergies are a big deal.
Research shows that 10% to 20% of folks there react to dogs and cats. And back in 1992, almost 9% of school kids were allergic to dogs.
Plus, about a quarter of adults checking in for allergies are reacting to cats and dogs.
With so many pets around Europe, it’s super important for pet lovers to know if they might get the sneezes from their furry pals and to choose the right breed. [Sources: NCBI, Wiley Online Library].
Allergic Reactions To Dogs – How Bad Can It Get?
When some people say they’re allergic to dogs, it’s not just a cute little sneeze we’re talking about.
For some, it’s like their body’s throwing a major fit!
Eyes go all teary and itchy, noses start running like they’re in a marathon, and oh boy, those skin rashes (even worse if you have sensitive skin).
It’s their body’s dramatic way of saying, “Uh-uh, not today!”
But wait, there’s more: if you’ve got asthma, the drama intensifies.
Imagine feeling like there’s a giant hand squeezing your chest every time you breathe. Yikes, right?
That’s the reality for some when their asthma gets all riled up by a dog allergy.
And, on the rare side of things, some might even hit the allergy jackpot with anaphylaxis.
It’s like the body hits the panic button, and trust me, it’s no joke.
So, with all the dog enthusiasts out there, it’s only natural to wonder which pups won’t have us reaching for tissues, right?
That’s where knowing your hypoallergenic dog breeds comes in clutch. Knowledge is power, and in this case, it’s also sneeze-free power!
Ready to dive into the most asked questions? Let’s go!
What Are Hypoallergenic Dogs – What Makes A Dog Hypoallergenic?
Alright, let’s break it down…
So, we’ve figured out that French Bulldogs aren’t on the hypoallergenic dog list.
But hold up, what’s this “hypoallergenic” buzzword all about?
Well, when we say a dog is “hypoallergenic,” we’re talking about pups that are less likely to make someone with dog allergies go all sneezy and sniffly compared to other breeds.
It’s like they come with a little less of the allergy drama!
It’s that simple.
Common Misconceptions And The Myth Of 100% Hypoallergenic Dogs
Let’s clear the air on this one…
There’s a bunch of chatter out there about hypoallergenic dogs, and sometimes, dog owners get a bit mixed up when picking the perfect pup for their pad.
First up, some think hypoallergenic dogs are like magical allergy-free unicorns. Spoiler alert: no dog is truly 100% hypoallergenic, there’s no completely hypoallergenic breed of dog out there.
Now, a lot of peeps think it’s the dog’s hair that’s the sneeze-trigger.
Sure, hair can tote around some allergens, but the real sneaky culprits? Those allergy-causing proteins in a dog’s drool, pee, and dander.
If you’re allergic, your body sees these proteins as party crashers and tries to kick ’em out, leading to all those familiar allergy antics like sneezing and runny noses.
And here’s another curveball…
Some folks reckon that giving their dog a fancy haircut or regular spa days will zap those allergies away.
While a good grooming sesh can cut down on dog dander, it doesn’t grant your dog the French Bulldog hypoallergenic badge.
So, for all the future dog parents out there, do your homework!
Maybe even hang out with the breed you’re eyeing to see if your nose gives it a thumbs up before diving in.
Dander And Its Roll In Dog Allergies
Dander isn’t just another word for hair or fur.
Nope, it’s those teeny-tiny skin flakes that our furry (or feathery) friends shed.
And here’s a fun fact: pet dander isn’t just skin. It’s also packed with proteins from pet pee, poop, and drool.
And guess what?
Those proteins are the real party crashers causing allergic reactions for some folks.
Now, while all dogs are dander-dropping machines, some breeds get the “hypoallergenic” tag because they’re a bit stingier with their dander.
But heads up: no dog is a dander-free zone.
And here’s the kicker: dog’s dander gets everywhere!
We’re talking couches, beds, and even up on the walls and ceilings.
Since it’s super light and tiny, it floats around in the air for ages, making it super easy to breathe in and, well, cue the sneezes.
How Dander Triggers Allergic Reactions
So, when someone with a pet allergy gets a whiff of dander or even just brushes against it, their body goes into full-on defense mode.
It sees those dander proteins as bad guys, kinda like nasty germs or viruses.
To fight off these “intruders,” the body sends out its own little soldiers called antibodies.
And here’s where things get sneezy…
The body then releases histamines and some other chemicals, which kickstart those all-too-familiar allergy symptoms.
We’re talking about the classic sneeze fest, a nose that won’t stop running (or gets super stuffy), eyes that itch and water, and sometimes even those pesky skin rashes.
And for our pals with asthma?
Dander can really stir the pot (cause severe allergies), making them wheeze, struggle to breathe, and face other lung troubles.
It’s this over-the-top reaction to totally harmless proteins that puts dander in the spotlight for folks with pet allergies.
Other Sources of Allergens in Dogs – Allergy-Inducing Proteins
Now, while dander gets a lot of the blame, there’s more to the dog allergy story.
Those sneaky proteins that can make folks all sniffly? They’re not just hanging out in dander.
They’re also partying in a dog’s drool (and Frenchies are big on this), pee, and even their poop.
Certain breeds are like protein factories, churning out more of these allergy-causers than others.
And while Frenchies aren’t the top dogs in this department, they still make these proteins.
Just think about it: French Bulldogs, like all pups, love a good self-grooming session.
When they’re licking their fur, they’re also spreading those allergen particles (proteins) all over.
So, if you’re giving a Frenchie some love and pets, you might get a dose of those proteins, which could set off an allergy alarm.
And let’s not forget, even the best-behaved dog, might have a little indoor “oops” moment, leaving behind pee packed with those allergenic proteins.
And their poop?
If it’s not scooped up ASAP, it can be another allergy hotspot.
But here’s the good news: by staying clued in on these allergen hideouts and being a bit proactive, French Bulldog owners can keep those sneezes at bay.
Are French Bulldogs Hypoallergenic Dogs?
A lot of folks see a Frenchie’s short and shiny coat and think, “Hey, maybe they won’t make me sneeze!” But that smooth coat isn’t a free pass from allergies.
Truth bomb: French Bulldogs aren’t really on the “hypoallergenic” team.
Sure, they’re pint-sized and ridiculously cute (I mean, those bat-like ears? Too precious!), but they can still be sneeze-triggering champs.
It’s not all about their coat.
Especially their saliva—it’s like kryptonite for folks with allergies!
Let’s understand Frenchies better when it comes to allergies…
The French Bulldog Is Not Hypoallergenic – Main Reasons Why
French Bulldogs are often mistaken as potential hypoallergenic candidates due to their short, sleek coat.
However, the coat length or thickness is just a small part of the allergy equation.
One of the primary factors that make French Bulldogs not hypoallergenic is the proteins they produce.
These proteins, found in dog saliva, urine, and dander (skin flakes), are the main culprits behind allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.
When a Frenchie licks its coat, it spreads these proteins all over its body, which can then be transferred to humans through petting or cuddling.
Moreover, while Frenchies might not shed as heavily as some other breeds, they do still shed.
This shedding means that dander, which carries those sneaky allergenic proteins, is released into the environment.
Whether it’s on your couch, bed, or floating in the air, this dander can easily be inhaled or come into contact with human skin, leading to the familiar symptoms of pet allergies.
So, despite their undeniable charm and compact size, French Bulldogs carry the same allergenic potential as many other breeds.
Are You Allergic To French Bulldogs?
So, you’ve got your eyes set on a French Bulldog?
Sweet pick!
Hold up, though.
Got allergies?
No stress, we’ll navigate this together.
Before you commit to your new furry sidekick, it’s smart to have a little test run.
I mean, imagine bringing home that adorable Frenchie and then realizing you two can’t coexist.
Total bummer, right?
So, what’s the move?
Puppy playdate to the rescue!
Start by finding a friend, a family member or maybe someone from the dog park who’s got a Frenchie.
Chat them up, share your concerns, and see if they’d be cool with you spending some time with their little buddy.
If adoption’s on your mind, pop over to the shelter or breeder.
They’ll likely be thrilled to let you hang with a pup that might join your fam.
After a playful session with a Frenchie, you’ll know if you two are a match.
Just be on the lookout for any sneezy signs.
French Bulldog Allergy Alert! Signs To Watch Out For
Pet allergy symptoms to watch for…
- Endless sneezes and a faucet-like nose.
- Feeling like there’s a cork up your nostrils?
- Perhaps some discomfort around your cheeks or ears?
- That scratchy sensation in your throat that won’t quit.
- Struggling to breathe, persistent coughing, or that wheezy sound.
- Skin going rogue with rashes or hives, especially post-puppy smooches.
- Eyes looking like you’ve just watched a tear-jerker?
- Tummy doing somersaults or feeling a bit off?
If, post-Frenchie hangout, any of these symptoms pop up, you might want to hit pause.
It’s a bummer, I know.
Frenchies are heart-stealers, and it’s easy to think, “I can handle it.”
But keep in mind, You’d want that time to be all about snuggles and not sniffles.
Realizing you’re allergic after you’ve bonded?
That’s a heartbreaker.
It might be time to get some medical advice.
Limiting Allergy Symptoms When You Own a French Bulldog
So, you’re all about Frenchies, they are great companions, but those allergies are giving you a hard time?
Don’t fret!
There are ways to keep those sneezes at bay, to limit your allergen exposure while enjoying your furry buddy’s company.
Here’s the game plan:
Regular Grooming Game Strong
Frenchies need regular grooming, not just for their dapper looks but also to keep those allergens in check.
Brushing (weekly brushing) them often helps get rid of loose hairs, which means less dander dancing around your home.
And hey, if you’re on the hunt for a brush, this Self-Cleaning Slicker Dog Brush for Shedding Hair, Fur…
Set A Weekly Bath Time For Your Frenchie
Usually, a bi-monthly bath does the trick for Frenchies.
But if your nose is staging a protest, maybe up the bath frequency.
A weekly dip can help wash off the allergens.
Just remember: lukewarm water and a good Frenchie-friendly shampoo, like this Healthy Breeds French Bulldog Deodorizing Shampoo, are key.
Because a pampered Frenchie equals a sneeze-free you!
Clean Spaces, Happy Faces
Vacuuming using vacuum cleaners with a HEPA filter vacuum is a must.
It’s like a dander buster!
And don’t forget to wipe down surfaces where dander might be throwing a party.
Eliminate lost dead hair.
This includes the dog’s bed.
Breathe Easy with Air Purifiers
Invest in a HEPA filter air purifier for rooms you frequent.
It’s like having a dander security guard.
Healthy Diet For Your French Bulldog
What your Frenchie eats matters.
A nutritious diet means healthier skin and less shedding.
So, if they’re dropping hair like confetti, maybe check their food bowl.
Move It to Improve It
Exercise isn’t just for those muscles. It’s also for that shiny coat.
Regular play and activity ensure nutrients reach their skin and coat, making them look like they just stepped out of a doggy spa.
Plus, exercise helps shake off loose hairs and keeps stress, which can mess with their coat, at bay.
Regular Vet Visits Are Vital
Regular check-ups are like wellness retreats for your Frenchie.
Without them, they might pick up infections or parasites that can lead to more shedding.
So, keep those vet appointments!
Remember, with a little effort and some tweaks, you and your Frenchie can live in harmony, minus the tissues!
Optional Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

Though the French Bulldog might not be the type of dog breed for those on the hunt for a hypoallergenic pup, there are plenty of other breeds that get a thumbs up for being more allergy-friendly.
These breeds are champs at producing fewer allergens, making them a better match for folks with allergies.
But a quick heads up: no dog breed is 100% hypoallergenic.
However, these particular breeds are a great choice as they usually come with fewer sneezes and sniffles than the rest.
Here you have just a quick list of our best choices of top 10 ones (you can surely find a good choice here)…
- Poodle and Poodle Mixes: Renowned for their curly coats, Poodles come in standard, miniature, and toy sizes. Their hair is more like human hair, which reduces the spread of allergens.
- Bichon Frise: With its fluffy white coat, the Bichon Frise has hair that doesn’t shed much, making it a favorite among allergy sufferers.
- Shih Tzu: Their long, flowing coat requires regular grooming, but it’s less likely to trigger allergies.
- Maltese: Small in size but big in personality, the Maltese has a silky coat that doesn’t shed heavily.
- Schnauzer: Available in mini, standard, and giant sizes, Schnauzers have a wiry coat that holds onto dander.
- Portuguese Water Dog: Known for their love of water, these dogs have a curly or wavy coat that doesn’t shed much.
- Kerry Blue Terrier: With a unique blue-gray coat, this breed’s non-shedding hair makes it a hypoallergenic choice.
- Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier: Their soft, silky coat requires regular grooming but is less likely to cause allergic reactions.
- Basenji: Often referred to as the “barkless dog,” the Basenji cleans itself much like a cat and sheds very little.
- Chinese Crested: This breed comes in two varieties: hairless and powderpuff. The hairless variety has skin exposed with tufts of hair on the head, tail, and ankles, while the powderpuff has a full coat.
Useful: Top 20 Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds – Facts And Considerations.
Are Frenchies Hypoallergenic – Final Thoughts
So Frenchie lovers, in wrapping up the “Are French Bulldogs Hypoallergenic” discussion, it’s clear that while they are a popular dog breed, undeniably charming and lovable, they aren’t hypoallergenic dogs, as some might hope for.
Every dog, regardless of breed, has the potential to trigger allergies.
However, understanding what causes these reactions and being proactive is the only way to make cohabiting with a Frenchie more comfortable for allergy sufferers.
At the end of the day, if you are an allergic person, it’s all about finding the right balance and ensuring both you and your furry friend can share a happy, sneeze-free home.