How to Get Your Dog to Poop Outside Faster – A Quick and Easy Guide

In this article we share a quick and easy 6 steps method to get your dog to poop outside faster, by understanding your dog’s pooping habits and how to change them.

Some dogs take a long time to defecate, or they simply refuse to do it. Are you a pet owner that has to deal with this issue?

Then you might want to learn how to get your dog to poop outside faster; it’s a long process, but it comes with a lot of benefits.

In order to get a dog to poop faster, you’ll need to figure out the proper eating/pooping schedule and learn the proper evacuation commands.

Then pick a nice, quiet spot and work hard on encouraging your dog to poop there at regular intervals.

Soon enough, it will be able to evacuate every time you utter the proper command.


Getting a Dog To Poop Outside

When a pooch needs to go, it needs to go. And as dog owners, you and I both know that, quite often.

It might be during a blizzard when going outside is a terrible idea for any living being. Other times, you might be busy doing chores or in the company of others.

It’s quite irritating, but the annoying factor rises to 100 when your pet is taking its sweet time doing its business.

At these times, you’ll wish you knew how to get your dog to poop outside faster. Luckily, this article is here to help.

Since I’ve faced this problem many, many times before, let me warn you up front: it’s not easy, and it does take a while to get the hang of it.


Dogs’ Pooping Spot Pickiness

Dogs tend to be extremely picky about their peeing and pooping locations. Some people are surprised when their dog won’t, for example.

And yes, those little quirks can be quite frustrating for pet owners (I can also speak from personal experience on this matter).

Factors to consider…



Your puppy is, interestingly, as much of a “creature of habit” as you might be. Once the dog reacts to a certain stimulus, it will intuitively remember how it got to that point.

The Pavlovian conditioning principle applies here to some degree.

If a dog is, for example, conditioned to only poop after sniffing a tree or a hydrant, it will not evacuate anywhere else.

And it’s not limited to locations alone.

Some dogs only defecate after circling a block or having a run, or even after a good dose of roughhousing with the owner, so you might end up waiting for it to finish longer than you expected.


Being Outdoors

Any animal is fond of being outdoors, fresh air, after all.

But if you only take your dog outside to do #2, it will remember the routine. Intuitively, it prolongs the process as much as possible.



Imagine that you lived your whole life on a farm and that your dog was trained to potty on barren soil or grass.

Once you move to a different area, the dog might not recognize new surfaces, like concrete or wood, as suitable replacements for soil, you will definitely need to recondition your pooch to poop somewhere else.



For instance, pups and frail dogs evacuate their liquids when they feel stressed. In short, it might not be the location that prevents the dog from pooping.


Magnetic Fields

Interestingly, some scientific research was conducted in 2013 that revolved around Earth’s magnetic fields and the urination/defecation preferences of dogs.

The results showed that dogs preferred to evacuate when their spines aligned along the North-South axis of the planet.



Constipation is an extremely common reason behind the dog not defecating on command.

If you spot any symptoms of constipation, take your pet to the vet as soon as possible and work on treating the problem.


Are You In A Hurry?
Should you be in a hurry you should go here to have a free look at my housebreaking and potty training course which was developed for all dog owners who have difficult dogs for toilet training.


Get Your Dog to Poop Outside Faster: The Guide

Learning how to get your dog to poop outside faster is not complicated, but it’s also not exactly simple.

It takes a lot of time and effort since you’re essentially teaching your dog to evacuate the second you command it.


The Preparation Step

Before figuring out how to get your dog to poop outside faster, you need to learn how it behaves before it’s about to poop.

Next, you’ll need some treats and a clicker.

However, if you can’t afford a clicker, you can achieve the same effects with some basic language of reinforcement and encouragement (more on that in a bit).


Step 1: Work Out a Schedule

Dogs will almost always defecate after a meal; usually, it takes them anywhere between 30 minutes and an hour before they want to go.

With that in mind, you’ll need to work out a schedule and stick to it.

That way, it will become easier for you to track your dog’s potential evacuations.


Step 2: Pick a Spot

Once you’ve figured out a good schedule, pick a good spot for your dog to poop in.

Make sure the spot is nice and quiet, as well as free of distractions.

Lots of dog owners I spoke to complained that their dog refused to poop because it was trailing a butterfly or sniffing at yard ornaments.


Step 3: Pick a Command 

When the whole process is over, that command will be your conditioning marker that will almost instantly get your dog to defecate anytime you want it to.

The command should be short, simple, and to the point.

Try using phrases like “go poop,” “go potty,” “do your business,” pop a squat,” or any variation thereof, but keep them just as short and concise.


Step 4: Belly Rubs and Movement

When you need your pet to defecate, get it to the designated spot and try to move about for a while.

Simple walks around the area will do. In addition, get the pooch on its back and slowly rub its belly in a circular motion.

These movements and rubs will stimulate the bowels and speed up the process.


Step 5: Cue the Command

When you feel like your dog is ready, cue the pooping command.

Do it several times, if necessary, and as soon as the dog shows pre-pooping movements.

If you don’t have a clicker, a simple verbal “yes” and head pats will also do.


Step 6: Praise and Reward

Once your puppy has evacuated successfully, praise it with verbal cues like “Good boy!/Good girl!” or “Well done!”.

In addition, feed it some treats as an award for a job well done.


What Stimulates a Dog to Poop?

Figuring out how to get your dog to poop outside faster takes a while. However, one of those is learning what makes a dog want to poop or pee.

However, a nice, long nap or a quick-playing session can also help motivate your dog to go.

In addition, you can get your dog outside and allow it to sniff around the area.

Exploring by using its nose will more than likely encourage the dog to go poop.


Benefits of Pottying on Command


Spending Less Time in Extreme Conditions

One of the biggest benefits of knowing how to get your dog to poop outside faster is…well, the speed itself.

If the weather conditions outside are extremely hot or cold, you don’t want to spend too much time out there, and neither does your puppy.

So, teaching it to go #2 on command will save you lots of time and get you both back inside much faster than before.


Long Drives

If you happen to be someone who takes long drives with their pet, on-command pottying is definitely a benefit.

Since your dog might not be used to new areas, a good potty routine will help ease the process when you’re on the road.


Airport Relief Stations

Yes, I know that airport relief stations are indoors and that this guide focuses on outdoor pooping.

However, on-command potty training also has its benefits when it comes to indoor relief.

After all, your dog rarely has a chance to potty in an indoor relief station; 90% of the time.

Therefore, some form of on-command training will definitely come in handy at airports.


Final Thoughts

As you can see, knowing how to get your dog to poop outside faster definitely has a lot of practical benefits.

After a single verbal cue, your buddy will be able to poop anywhere without stress or strain after a single verbal cue.

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